It doesn’t take a negative personality to wonder if our world is going to hell. So how can we stay balanced and what can we do? Well, first we can start with what not to do.
3 Ways to Change Your Brain and Get Happy Again.
Have you ever experienced your day and your mood getting ambushed by circumstances outside your control?
Unless you live high upon a mountaintop in a cave far, far away, I’m betting your answer is yes.
Surprisingly Simple Self-Care Strategies.
Work, clean, workout, kids, career, groceries, spouses, bills, friends, commitments, and repeat.
Whether we’re married or single, working or in school, there just doesn’t seem to be much time for self-care anymore.
Those tiny quiet moments we used to enjoy at stop lights, commuting on trains, and waiting for appointments are gone and now replaced with
7 Habits of Highly Unhappy People – Tamara Star
I often teach about happiness and what has become exceedingly clear is this: there are 7 qualities chronically unhappy people have mastered. According to Psychology Today, University of California researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky states: “40% of our of our capacity for happiness is within our power to change”. If this is true and it is, there’s […]
Self-Care in the Time of Chaos.
Work, clean, workout, kids, career, groceries, spouses, bills, friends, commitments, and repeat. Whether you’re married or single, there just isn’t much time for self-care anymore is there? Those tiny quiet moments we used to enjoy at stop lights, commuting on trains, and waiting for appointments are gone and now replaced with quick glimpses of emails, […]
8 Simple Ways Happy Couples Stay Happy.
Love is obviously a hot and tricky topic, and while we can all agree good love takes time and effort, love seems to fall apart quickly when the ball is dropped and laziness creeps in.
Here are eight things happy couples do to keep this from happening:
Why it Takes Balls to Be Happy.
You say you want happiness. We all do. But the truth is, you’re scared shitless of it. Completely bat shit crazy of having it because lo and behold if you get it, if you experience it and get used to experiencing it, you just might lose it. Here’s a little 411 for you: so am I, and so is everyone.
There Must Be… 50 Ways to Leave Your Stress.
I don’t need to tell you that stress is a killer, but I do need to share with you that like happiness, stress is a choice. How we respond to any situation in life is dictated by our habits and our beliefs. Here are 50 ways to leave your stress, and while none involve getting […]
How to Lose the Woman You Love…For Good.
Unfortunately, too many of us make a brief effort and then go on auto pilot forgetting that it takes consistent practice to master the art of love; yet when we do make the effort, we create a masterpiece that never grows boring to look at.
How to Bounce Back When Life Falls Apart.
Sometimes life blows up doesn’t it? 7 years ago my own life did and I survived. I make it a rule to never take advice from someone who hasn’t been there, so I’ll share with you what happened, and then I’ll share how I got through my own personal tunnel of hell. In a 30 […]
Happiness isn’t a Destination.
Most of us spend our days seeking happiness as if happiness were a destination or golden prize at the end of long journey. I believe happiness isn’t something to achieve or a reward for a life well lived ~I believe happiness is a point of view. And it’s an interesting point of view isn’t it? […]
Want More Happiness? It’s Hidden in the Ordinary.
Pleasure is a muscle that must be formed and exercised to become habitual. When we become pleasure seeking people creating pleasure and joy in the ordinary~ life becomes extraordinary.
A Surprising Reason Why it’s So Hard to Forgive.
It may sound crazy, but the amazing brain with its many functions and miracles, really does dictate your life experience.
11 Ways to Emotionally Thrive in Today’s World.
11 Ways to emotionally thrive in this ever changing fast paced world.
10 Things to Give Up in Exchange for Happiness.
This post crossed a million likes and reset the like button 3 times on the Huffington Post. It also sat on the front page for 2 days.
When Women Hold Women Down.
We are raped, abused, neglected, victimized, discriminated against and passed over for promotions, and yet… the most painful wound women still have bleeding isn’t caused by men, this particularly painful festering wound is caused by something far more surprising – the brutality of women holding women down. It seems now trendy to hail to the call of women rising […]
The Blackness of Despair
There are dark days when I feel everything so deeply that I wonder if emotions have ambushed my brain and bypassed any rationality left in my body. I don’t understand what’s happening in the world and feel fear, sadness, even a deep blackness of despair. Sadness comes over me like a heavy weight of grief […]
Ego Candy.
Psst! Come here little girl, I’ve got some candy for you.
Don’t worry, it’s free and I can get you as much of it as you’d like.
What? You don’t want to take candy from a stranger? I’m no stranger, I’m your mirror. Come closer, have a taste, you’ll like it, I promise.
When Self Help Becomes Useless
Self-discovery, on the other hand, requires silence and reflection, honesty and courage. It’s grabbing a bright light and magnifying glass while reaching in and grabbing that infected splinter with tweezers. It hurts, it’s bloody, but it’s permanently effective. No self-help guru can peel back the wrapper of the Band-Aid for you.
RIP Romance.
Here’s where it’s not. It’s not in a text, it’s not in a dating app, it’s not even in a late night hook up. Romance lies in effort. The effort to reach out, to extend, to make a grand gesture that is actually found in the smallest of acts, and it’s premeditated. Romance requires premeditated effort.
Maintaining Joy While the World Hurts. Why it’s Necessary.
Why do we trash and stash our joy in dark secret places when the rest of the world seems to be going down? Why do we feel unworthy to experience anything good when the rest of the world is suffering?
The Real Superpower of Tomorrow.
Society has always been the strongest motivator to conform. It starts in grade school. Gather two or more together and there will be rules. If we know them, we can save ourselves a lot of trouble down the road, but when do these rules start to inhibit the women that we really are? When do they go too far and actually suppress the feminine in order to control us?
6 Signs You Need a Man Break
Vacations and ManCations change our perspective, but most of us are afraid to take them. Why? Because we might miss out on something while we’re away. Psychologists agree: Taking a break from life’s routine is as important as a good night’s sleep. Having time to reflect and reevaluate allows us to return to life refreshed […]
Autumn Equinox- Using the Season to Beat Self-Sabotage
Traditionally Autumn is a time of abundant color, pumpkins and squash, heartier harvest meals, and cozy sweaters, yet too often we forget that it’s also a time of fertile transition.
Full Moon Shift Happens.
August. It’s hot and the summer flower pots look tired. While I’m not ready for cold weather, I am ready for a shift away from this heat and this energy. As the moon came through my window last night, I remembered another 28 days had passed. Change is coming. For three days prior and three […]
The Real Reason We’re So Tired.
The antidote to this exhaustion isn’t a massage, a nap, nor vacation. It isn’t going to bed early or resisting the call of your handheld devices. It’s literally
When Your New Guru is Actually an Attention Seeking Narcissist.
In a culture known for selling fast, nutritionally empty food, our society is filled with plenty of empty headed preaching evangelist’s looking for hungry followers, and there’s more than enough of us willing to pull up a cafeteria tray and listen.
When Women Hurt Women, Healing the Sacred Sisterhood.
Whether you experienced the original wound of poor mothering or the first hints of wounding that happened way back in grade school, it seems we’ve all been touched by the hurt of another female.Some of us heal, while others of us remain forever hurt inside — scared to once again trust.
How to Stop Worrying.
Experiencing a dark bout of worry in the middle of the night or while trying to relax is something most of us are no stranger to. Here’s how to get yourself out of it and back to peace again.
How to Shake a Bad Mood in 4 Steps.
Life is going to happen, but staying in a bad mood is optional. Here’s how to change a bad mood fast.
Why Your Morning Smoothie Can Make You Fat – 5 Ways to Tweak it.
Morning smoothies are easy on the go nutritional breakfast options, but just like energy bars, not all smoothies are alike.
The Anti-Bucket List for Women.
Maybe the second half isn’t so much about what we want to do, but what we won’t do anymore.
To hell with their way, I’m doing it MY way.
There was never an off switch, there was always something more to do, and I never felt satisfied with a job well done because there were always a zillion more things to get done.
3 Crazy Easy Steps to Happy.
There’s an old saying: What you see is what you get. Science has now proven that
Dear Supposed to, Should Be and Maybe Not – Bite Me.
You found us right after college, chased us through our careers, into our relationships, and finally pinned us down after the fall.
When Your Day is an Ass Kicker.
Today was an ass kicker sort of a day. The accidentally get your foot stuck in a stirrup and be dragged face down in the horse stall sort of day. Fears are up, stress is off the charts, and many of us are left feeling as though it’s time to throw in the towel. Life […]
Dancing on the Ashes of Your Rage.
Expressed in holy ways it transforms and heals.
Why Women Friend Zone Men.
He’s attractive, kind, nice and giving, so what’s the problem? Why do we shut down sexually and put him in the friend zone?
My SiriusXM Radio Interview on Happiness with John Fugelsang.
Categories: Blog, Read, Watch/Listen
There are key differences between happy people and unhappy people. Here are habits we can all practice daily and when times get tough.
Having it All Requires Despair, Disillusionment and Desire.
What I’m about to share with you is the antithesis of everything we’re taught. As I opened one manhole of dark memories, another would appear before my eyes and I dove in willingly- I had nothing to lose because I was already lost.
3 Must Do’s Before the Clock Strikes Midnight.
Forget new year’s resolutions! Here are 3 things to launch you into the new year with grace.
Winter Solstice.
Today- the shortest day of the year heralds the return of light here in the northern hemisphere. Can you feel it? Regardless of where you are, today’s daylight is fleeting and the dark stillness of winter is calling. Even as we light our candles and Christmas lights to offset the darkness, springtime still feels eons away; yet tomorrow the […]
A Surprising Mantra for Inner Peace: I Don’t Care.
I don’t care? Stay with me here… This isn’t about giving up on caring for others, the planet, or what really matters, it’s about something entirely different. We don’t have to dig deep to hear of the unfolding of the feminine inside all of us. Feminine as in balanced feminine, not femme fatale weak and helpless. For me? I got […]
Family Dynamics Got you Down? Holiday Survival 101.
The holidays are upon us and if we’re not careful, so is burnout. Foods we don’t usually eat, later nights than usual, holiday expectations, family dynamics and the financial stress of gift buying can send even the strongest person right over the edge. It’s no surprise so many of us start the new year feeling exhausted […]
Removing Digital Clutter
Let’s talk about the overwhelming, exhausting amount of digital clutter you have in your life. Remember when you first got mail? It was fun and exciting to see who sent mail every morning wasn’t it? Think Meg Ryan in Sleepless in Seattle- email was exciting, even romantic. And now? (sound of record scratching!) It’s exhausting. Most […]