Change isn’t easy, if it were we wouldn’t have to try, we’d just do.
Changing is like shaking up one of those jars filled with sand and water.
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RSS feed for this section8 Simple Ways Happy Couples Stay Happy.
Love is obviously a hot and tricky topic, and while we can all agree good love takes time and effort, love seems to fall apart quickly when the ball is dropped and laziness creeps in.
Here are eight things happy couples do to keep this from happening:
How to Cure Road Rage Forever.
If compassion is our key to peace, I believe familiarity- whether real or perceived- breeds enough patience to find that key.
How to Age Well Emotionally.
Do you feel like you’ve lost your youthful glow? Is your life becoming routine and well- just blah? You’re not alone. American author and humorist Mark Twain once wrote: “Wrinkles merely mark where smiles have been”. That’s all fine and dandy, but in today’s world, wrinkling is only one sign of youth fading away from our […]
Falling Apart to Beat Self Sabotage.
I’m sitting here in front of a fire much like this one with a laptop upon my lap, realizing we’re within a few hours of Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere – a time of transition. Traditionally Autumn is a time of abundant color, pumpkins and squash, heartier harvest meals, and cozy sweaters; yet […]
Change One Thing, Change Everything.
When we experience the freedom that arrives and the burst of energy that returns, we no longer question the effect every area of our life has on all aspects of our happiness. We are not divided beings. We’re whole and we’re all connected.
How to Ground Yourself and Disconnect from Crazy.
Can you feel it lately? It’s intense and most of us are wondering what the hell is going on. Here’s how to ground yourself and cope.
Summer’s Not Over: How to Squeeze Out a Bit More Fun.
Do you always end summers with regrets of what you didn’t do? Don’t dispair- even though we’ve passed the start of the school season, summer’s not over just yet. We might be heading full steam ahead towards the Autumn equinox, but don’t despair, there’s still time to squeeze a little more juice out of the […]
Why the Law of SUBTraction Trumps the Law of Attraction Every Time.
We’re told the law of attraction is key to getting everything we want in life, but here’s a dirty little secret only a few people know: the law of SUBtraction is where it’s at.
Why it Takes Balls to Be Happy.
You say you want happiness. We all do. But the truth is, you’re scared shitless of it. Completely bat shit crazy of having it because lo and behold if you get it, if you experience it and get used to experiencing it, you just might lose it. Here’s a little 411 for you: so am I, and so is everyone.
Change Your Office and Make More Money.
Who couldn’t use a little more money flow in life? If you want to get things moving in your money arena, decluttering, organizing and clearing out the old are my favorite Feng Shui tips for creating more abundance in life. What is Feng Shui? Feng Shui is the 5,000 year old Asian art of placement. […]
There Must Be… 50 Ways to Leave Your Stress.
I don’t need to tell you that stress is a killer, but I do need to share with you that like happiness, stress is a choice. How we respond to any situation in life is dictated by our habits and our beliefs. Here are 50 ways to leave your stress, and while none involve getting […]
How to Lose the Woman You Love…For Good.
Unfortunately, too many of us make a brief effort and then go on auto pilot forgetting that it takes consistent practice to master the art of love; yet when we do make the effort, we create a masterpiece that never grows boring to look at.
10 Ways to Stay Well this Winter~plus a bonus tip.
Well, it’s undeniable that winter is looming. Days are growing shorter and the dark nights have grown longer.
Here are 10 ways to stay well this winter.
Tired of Being Alone? How to Break Your Past and Start Over In Love.
It’s been said that if you carry old bricks from your past relationship into your new one, you will build the same house that fell before.
Wabi Sabi Love
Asian cultures have appreciated something called Wabi Sabi for centuries. Wabi Sabi is the beauty of imperfect perfection. Nothing lasts, nothing is finished and nothing is perfect. Think of the slightly irregular handmade pottery bowl, or the flower arrangement with one tulip drooping. Right now as I lay on the floor surrounded by pillows, dog […]
How to Ritualistically Let Go and Start Over For This New Year.
Ahh, 365 days are behind us and we’re standing on the threshold of a fresh start aren’t we? It’s human nature to want to clear the slate and start over on the new year, as we all long to leave behind what no longer works, what no longer serves us, and instead set lofty goals […]
Energy Vampires- How to Escape.
Being a a loving compassionate person has nothing to do with slumming it vibrationally.
8 Ways We Drain the Juice Out of Love.
There are a zillion books on love — obviously a hot and tricky topic– and while I agree that good love takes time and effort, I also know that love falls apart because we drop the ball in 8 common ways.
How to Nurture Yourself as You Enter the Cave of Winter Solstice.
Making use of this introspective dark time in a fast moving world is what maximizes the fertility of the season. When we take care of ourselves through the winter months and take note of nature’s dormant period, we emerge into the springtime recharged and refreshed rather than drained, bored, and, well, larger than before.
How to Bounce Back When Life Falls Apart.
Sometimes life blows up doesn’t it? 7 years ago my own life did and I survived. I make it a rule to never take advice from someone who hasn’t been there, so I’ll share with you what happened, and then I’ll share how I got through my own personal tunnel of hell. In a 30 […]
Are Your Underwear and Junk Drawers Making You Fat?
The way we do anything is the way we do everything. Holding on to just in case is lack energy and slows the flow of your life. Clearing out and trusting releases stuck energy and releases excess weight. I’ve seen it time and time again.
4 Ways to Move On After a Break Up
When people reminded me that time heals all wounds and this too shall pass after my break up, I wanted to kick them in the teeth. If you’re experiencing the I-can’t-get-out-of-bed heartache or the I’ll-never-feel-like-me-again heart break, you know what I’m talking about. At this point, if it’s truly over, you’re going to need to […]
Are You Being True to You?
Let’s face it, we’ve all feared that we’re going to mess up, not be liked, or even be rejected at times, and in order to compensate we fake it until we make it don’t we? The problem is: while we might think we’re managing or hiding our insecurities most of the time, the people around […]
How to be Emotionally Intimate (with your man)
I hear women question openly: What’s wrong with men? Why can’t they shoot straight? Why can’t they communicate?
Happiness isn’t a Destination.
Most of us spend our days seeking happiness as if happiness were a destination or golden prize at the end of long journey. I believe happiness isn’t something to achieve or a reward for a life well lived ~I believe happiness is a point of view. And it’s an interesting point of view isn’t it? […]
Want More Happiness? It’s Hidden in the Ordinary.
Pleasure is a muscle that must be formed and exercised to become habitual. When we become pleasure seeking people creating pleasure and joy in the ordinary~ life becomes extraordinary.
When Ordinary Life Became Extraordinary.
I realized that after times of stress we become conditioned to look for what’s wrong instead of what’s right, and if we don’t stop ourselves, this pattern of thinking becomes habit and sadly, this habit becomes our life.
The Boulder Flood and the Gift of Men
I heard the dispatcher announce “all rescue units seek higher ground, the city of Boulder is impassable”, and at that point went into full blown panic. Sirens were going off, the night was pitch black and I could hear the rushing water going past my street and behind my house as the usual small trickle of a creek bed had risen past its banks and created a 200 yard raging river.
Can Divorcing a Family Member be an Act of Unconditional Love?
Is it healthy to love unconditionally? Compassion for yourself and unconditional love go hand in hand. — All spiritual teachers have pointed to unconditional love as the path to freedom; yet too often we mix up unconditional love with abusive love. Compassion for yourself and unconditional love go hand in hand. In its healthiest […]
A Surprising Reason Why it’s So Hard to Forgive.
It may sound crazy, but the amazing brain with its many functions and miracles, really does dictate your life experience.
How to Stay Safe in Yoga and 3 Signs You’re Not.
Via Elephant Journal They say there’s no such thing as a bad yoga class, but there certainly are dangerous ones. As a yogi, I look at each class as an opportunity to actually “practice” my yoga. This means if I don’t love the teacher, the music, the flow or the style, I remind myself that yoga […]
Why You’re Bored When You Get What You Want.
Why Are We So Bored When We Get What We Want?
How Being Attacked by a Deer Killed My Fear.
Her huge head and fierce brown eyes were less than an arm’s length away and I thought to myself: “seriously? THIS is how I’m going to die?”
Her snorts were drowned out by my screams as I felt the wind from her hooves skimming the small space between us while pinned against that front door, no where to escape.
11 Ways to Emotionally Thrive in Today’s World.
11 Ways to emotionally thrive in this ever changing fast paced world.