2011 Was Fertile Compost for Your Life, Use it.

As we look back on 2011, realize all that no longer serves you has actually been compost for your evolution. When we run screaming no more, they chase us into the next year trying to teach us what they were meant to teach. When we bow deeply to them as gifts we no longer need to experience, we can truly let them go.

For me, the gift of fear in my life taught me how to finally overcome it’s power over me so I could teach others to do the same. Heartbreak taught me what I truly wanted in relationship. Feelings of unworthiness led me to my true worth and helped me heal old childhood wounds telling me otherwise. Making myself small for so long kept me safe from my premature ego before I was ready to come out into the world.

Do you see what I mean? There are gifts in what we’re now ready to walk away from and until we honor those gifts, they hold power over us. Much better to appreciate them and use them for the fertilizer they were meant to be in our life. Give thanks for it all.
