How Do I Make a Difference in the World?


Okay, so there’s no doubt our world today seems a bit nuts.

Natural disasters, man made disasters, talk of astrological upheavals, super moons; and the looming political and financial chaos spoken of daily in our papers.

The lack of personal responsibility involved in the BP Oil disaster has been publicized everywhere. Personal responsibility, or lack there of, seems to be what has gotten this entire planet of ours in the trouble we’re in. The generations before us didn’t worry about tomorrow. They didn’t worry about the effects of their actions and lived as though tomorrow would never come.  The generations before us didn’t take personal responsibility and for the most part, didn’t do what was right. What they did do is teach us the same bad habits that they themselves learned and practiced.

I believe the way you do anything, is the way you do everything.

When the world around us is in seeming chaos, what we can do is take care of our own world.

What if our outer world is reflecting our inner world? What would happen if in our own lives we grew up and did the right thing, everyday and in every moment?

What if you touched things once and put them where they actually belong?  Washed those dishes and put them away?  Used cleaners and personal products that didn’t hurt the planet?  Kept up with your laundry?  Put recycle-able items in the recycle bin?  Picked up trash when you see it regardless of who put it there?  Paid your bills on time? Did what you said you would do?  Followed through on your commitments? Became aware of the packaging on the products you buy?  Supported local farmers? Told the truth?  Lived within your budget? Actually did your job instead of shirking it?
In other words, what if we all grew up?
I personally believe we’d be less stressed because we’d have less to worry about later and less to distract us from our fun/off time.

I know someone that rarely puts things back where they belong. Because of this, she spends extra time looking frantically for things, usually when she’s running late. She doesn’t complete tasks, just moves from one thing to another and finds herself feeling overwhelmed in complete chaos. She complains that she has a stressful life yet contributes to her own stress on a daily basis. There are plenty of excuses as to why she’s so busy, why she’s pulled in many directions and why she doesn’t have time, but from an outside viewpoint, I can see that she self sabotages daily.

If indeed we are moving toward some sort of financial, political or astrological collapse….really all we can do is be adults. Don’t you remember your grandparents telling you to stock up for a rainy day?  I’m not talking Y2K ridiculous paranoia, I’m referring to the basics. Know your neighbors and be kind to them. Be an adult!  Have water on hand, stock your cupboards with food, have basic toiletries and medical needs in your home, tend a garden and don’t walk around without cash in your pocket. If my grandfather knew I relied on credit and debit cards most days, he would thump me on the back of my head. It’s time we just use common sense! Keep your gas tank above half full and be personally responsible on a daily basis.

It’s easy to drop the ball, shirk doing what you know is right and then point the finger at everyone else while crying poor me.  We see corporations and governments doing this daily.  What if today we all stood up, grew up, and started taking personal responsibility?

I believe our world would immediately be a better place.



Image Courtesy of Xedos4 at