My name is Tamara Star, and while I run one of the top medical sales recruiting firms in the country, on the Secret Side of things, I’ve also led hundreds of women from around the world on a sacred journey back to themselves through my 40-Day Personal Reboot program and strategy sessions.
Throughout life, I’ve been blessed with the ability to spot the unconscious ways we sabotage ourselves.
I sense and hear what my clients miss while simply hoping their lives and careers will get better – and instead figure out a way to leverage a few life tweaks into major changes that lead to inner peace, a sense of balance, abundance, and happiness.
Most importantly?
I too, know what it’s like to be down on my knees and not know how to stand back up again- to know what it’s like to go years feeling slightly “off” and not be able to put a finger on what’s wrong.
Over 30 years, I’ve developed an uncanny ability to read a client’s situation, uncover their blind spots, and shine a light on the hidden habits and beliefs that need to change.
I’m guessing fate brought you here because it’s time for you to reclaim the natural state of peace, balance, success, and happiness that was yours before life came along and seemingly happened to you.
Years ago, my own life blew up BIG TIME and I was forced to learn how to stand in my center again.
I learned to burn away all of the beliefs, habits, and thoughts that got me into the life I’d been living in the first place, and step outside the eye of the metaphorical hurricane that was my world.
If you let me, I’ll lead you through a new doorway too.
You’re meant to live a balanced, happy, and peaceful life.
We all need a hand to hold once in a while. I’m here if you need one.
Professional Bio
Tamara Star’s global reach inspires women all over the world through her programs, newsletters, and teachings.
A member of Who’s Who Among American Business Women and The Global Happiness Organization, Tamara has volunteered for and spearheaded the Hope for Haiti and Children’s Cambodian Fund Yoga Aid projects. Her executive search and consulting firm TStar Recruiting has been recognized as one of the top search firms in the country.
She’s also cracked the code for helping people experience happier, more balanced, peaceful, and healthier lives by shifting the life they’re living into a life they love.
Tamara brings a unique perspective to life that crosses cultural, socioeconomic, business, and egoic barriers.
She’s spent over 30 years as a straight-shooting guide delivering intuitive truth while utilizing traditional and non-traditional methods to get results.
With one foot deeply rooted in the world of mainstream business, executive recruiting, psychology & coaching, and the other firmly planted in what many consider the alternative healing world of intuition, vibration, and energy, Tamara successfully bridges the two together creating a perfect strategy for getting results in your world.
Her work has been translated into 7 languages and has been featured in The New York Times, The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Yahoo News, Positively Positive, San Francisco’s Common Ground, News.com Australia, Elite Daily, XOJane, The Good Men Project, Yoganonymous, Linkedin, New York Magazine Whole Living, and The Elephant Journal.
Tamara has appeared on SiriusXM Radio, Former Oprah Producer LeGrande Green’s GetBOLDtoday radio, Dr. Oz regular Dr. Brenda Wade’s GOODLOVE radio, DayBreakUSA, Australia News.com, and EatDrinkExplore radio. She’s also appeared as a guest expert along with Dr. John Grey, Alison Armstrong, John Fugelsang, and Wayne Dyer.
Her first book was released on Amazon in 2013. Her second multi-authored book in which she wrote the opening chapter hit the International Bestsellers list in March of 2014.
If you’d like to book Tamara for coaching, interviews or an appearance, please contact her at [email protected]. If you’d like to contact her search firm for hiring or coaching needs, you can contact her at [email protected]
To join the waitlist for her 40-day Personal Reboot™ Program, email [email protected].
all photos of Tamara by Richard Cummings Photography
Professional Bio
Tamara Star’s global reach inspires women all over the world through her programs, newsletters, and teachings.
A member of Who’s Who Among American Business Women and The Global Happiness Organization, Tamara has volunteered for and spearheaded the Hope for Haiti and Children’s Cambodian Fund Yoga Aid projects. Her executive search and consulting firm TStar Recruiting has been recognized as one of the top search firms in the country.
She’s also cracked the code for helping people experience happier, more balanced, peaceful, and healthier lives by shifting the life they’re living into a life they love.
Tamara brings a unique perspective to life that crosses cultural, socioeconomic, business, and egoic barriers.
She’s spent over 30 years as a straight-shooting guide delivering intuitive truth while utilizing traditional and non-traditional methods to get results.
With one foot deeply rooted in the world of mainstream business, executive recruiting, psychology & coaching, and the other firmly planted in what many consider the alternative healing world of intuition, vibration, and energy, Tamara successfully bridges the two together creating a perfect strategy for getting results in your world.
Her work has been translated into 7 languages and has been featured in The New York Times, The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Yahoo News, Positively Positive, San Francisco’s Common Ground, News.com Australia, Elite Daily, XOJane, The Good Men Project, Yoganonymous, Linkedin, New York Magazine Whole Living, and The Elephant Journal.
Tamara has appeared on SiriusXM Radio, Former Oprah Producer LeGrande Green’s GetBOLDtoday radio, Dr. Oz regular Dr. Brenda Wade’s GOODLOVE radio, DayBreakUSA, Australia News.com, and EatDrinkExplore radio. She’s also appeared as a guest expert along with Dr. John Grey, Alison Armstrong, John Fugelsang, and Wayne Dyer.
Her first book was released on Amazon in 2013. Her second multi-authored book in which she wrote the opening chapter hit the International Bestsellers list in March of 2014.
If you’d like to book Tamara for coaching, interviews or an appearance, please contact her at [email protected]. If you’d like to contact her search firm for hiring or coaching needs, you can contact her at [email protected]
To join the waitlist for her 40-day Personal Reboot™ Program, email [email protected].
all photos of Tamara by Richard Cummings Photography