Can You See Me? Feeling Connection in a Virtually Connected World.


1 in 3 people say they feel disconnected from the world around them.

1 in 3, think about that.  We’ve got a million ways to connect  yet we’re all feeling more disconnected than ever regardless of the many virtual devices available.

So why all this loneliness?

Have you noticed how little we actually “look” at the people around us?  Consider how often you actually look into the eyes of co workers, friends and loved ones, chances are you don’t.

Think of your spouse, children or roommate in the morning as you navigate around one another making breakfast and chatting.

We’re so busy trying to get to where we’re going that we forget to connect to those around us with something as simple as eye contact.

I once asked a homeless man “what’s the hardest part of being homeless?” He immediately replied: “No one looks me in the eye.  It’s as if I’m invisible.”

Our fast paced culture has advanced technology to connect us, yet most of us walk around with loneliness drowning our heart.

Consider even your most faithful pet~how often do they stand there patiently looking into our eyes as we rush along not making eye contact with the ones that love us most?

We’ve become immune to authentic interactions as we ignore the tennis ball dropped in our laps while typing away on the computer or as we stand in line typing and texting away oblivious to those around us.

So how to connect?

Make eye contact with your bank teller, your dry cleaner, your waitress and your neighbors.  These are human beings having experiences in the world you share together, you’ve got a lot in common.

Start to make direct eye contact with everyone as you go about your daily business. People may look away quickly, but when we feel the connection with another human being for even one brief moment; there is magic there.

We all deserve to see and be seen.




Image courtesy of djcodrin at