TIME, Time, time, time, time…………….
I realized that while I have a full and active life filled with friends, love, work and outdoor activities I enjoy; I’m not where I’d like to be and not where I thought I’d be at this point.
Let me first say that I want to avoid another “to do” on our already full, over-achieving list. I’m not speaking of the mental list we keep in our heads of what we “should” be doing, I’m speaking of using our time here in this life to enjoy ourselves and remember what we love and once dreamed of doing.
If we spend our time working, raising our kids, staying in shape, doing our chores, saving for the future and improving our homes; it’s easy to wake up one day well past our “half way point” in life and realize that we haven’t been having any fun.

What happened to childhood dreams?
I dreamt of building an adobe on lots of land with an outdoor green house when i was a kid. I dreamt of writing a book, of blending my own aromatherapy products, learning to photograph the moon at night in black and white, and of visiting the pyramids in Egypt while exploring on an archaeological dig.

I’ve done a lot of things in my life, but I’ve done nothing on my list of dreams! I’ve traveled, I’ve lived well and I’m happy, but something is missing. My half way point is approaching (or past for all I know!) and I feel like I’m spinning my wheels wasting those glorious dreams once daily visualized as a kid.

A friend of mine told me today of a “Dream Bio”. He explained that when he hires someone at his company UPsidEo.com , he requests they write their biography from a future point ~ the end of their life!
There have been many mentions of the Harvard study on goal writing and the high % of success years later with the students that did follow through and write them down.
I can’t help but think that if we take the time to write the story of our lives in our “Dream Bio”, we’ll have a high chance of actually living those dreams.
Maybe it plants a seed, maybe it manifests once we’re clear on what we want; or maybe it just gives us a check- in point. What I do know is that I care very much about living this life as fully as possible. Like my dog bella, our lives are passing by in every moment.