You Have 6 Senses, Use Them.

The faster life moves, the further away we get from our senses…. and our senses are what gives our life that Za Za zoom!

We  use our vision, our hearing and our taste buds daily, but when was the last time you really relished in your sense of smell?

Take a moment today and sniff around. Smell that warm spot behind your pets ears, the top of your children’s heads, your lovers skin, your hands after putting on lotion. Take a moment to smell your coffee before you sip it or your salad dressing before you put it on. Even notice the way the sun makes your clothing smell after it’s warmed from the car window.

What matters is that you take a moment in time to enjoy your sense of smell.  When we slow down enough to use a sense we ignore most days, we’re suddenly in the now moment, and in that moment of slowing down we ease our stress.   See how it changes your day.


Image courtesy of federico stevanin from