So I’m inspired to ask the question: “Why can’t we drop our expectations and open ourselves up to being surprised by life and the people around us every day and every moment?”
Letting ourselves and the past be proven wrong, while expecting and looking for new possibilities or behaviors that we like, can free us up to receive wonderful gifts; yet we don’t do this. We judge what we’ve always seen to be set in stone.
Life is hard. She’s too emotional. He doesn’t listen.
Do you want emotional freedom or do you want to look for proof that you’re right so life continues to give you what you’ve always gotten?
Our life and the people around us don’t have to be the same as yesterday and the past does not equal the future.
So remember to take a hint from mother nature; what’s always been normal and expected isn’t always what life delivers, and thank goodness for that~ Open yourself up to the possibility that things can be different and quite likely, they will be.
Image courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net by Rance Ruzzuto
You are a very wise person~~ this is a very good thought. I am guilty, like a lot of people, of sometimes jumping to conclusions. Instead, when you clear yourself of any preconception, any expectation of outcome….. there are possibilities. However, boundaries are required, so proper behaviour and treatment of and from others is essential. One who habitually receives abusive or negligent behaviour from others cannot turn their back and hope for a different outcome. But I understand the point I think you’re trying to make, which is that ‘going with the flow’, intead of ‘paddling against the current, or ‘creating’ the waves, can open the door to previously unsuspected events and surprises.
Joy to you! 🙂