Are Blessings to You the New F*ck You?

I believe our generation has become adept at gorilla warfare cloaked in lululemon bag cliche’s.

I recently had a negative interaction with someone in my community.  Although I hoped to communicate face to face, this person chose email.

What bothered me most about this interaction was not so much the biting emails or our disagreement, but the signature  “Blessings to you”.

Has this expression become the modern day passive aggressive fuck you, or a way to feel superior with a pat on the head, you poor thing response?

I’m finding that oftentimes, my generation’s twist on spirituality is just a new way to passive aggressively strike and attempt to clear karma.  We Om together in yoga class, bow our heads in Namaste, and then gossip in the locker room about whose breasts are new.

Sadly I’ve found that yoga studios are no different than the corporate boardrooms from which I escaped  years ago.  Politics, ranking of power and sabotaging gossip still prevail despite the holistic Zen atmosphere.  At least in corporate America we were dressed in our suit armor rather than half naked in corpse pose.

Have we learned to talk the talk but not to walk the walk?  We’re often namanasty instead of namaste putting on a pious personae at the front of our classrooms and the top of our mats while harboring judgments of fellow students and teachers.

Will judgments, politics and gossip stop in the yoga world?  Not likely.  We’re all human.  But as one limb of yoga Satya teaches, let’s be truthful.

As the generation before taught us, if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all, especially not sticky sweet spiritual euphemisms that aren’t authentic.



Image courtesy of  lululemon.