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Can You Eat Like THIS on Your Spring Cleanse Diet?

Well, you can if you eat all raw for a while.

Recipe below!
I’ve decided to do a spring cleanse and will be posting ideas and recipes in the coming days. For an entire month eating all raw foods is a super easy way to cleanse. Since I was lucky enough to once help test and develop recipes for a cook book; I’m loaded with ideas and plan to share them with all of you.

Raw food not only cleans you out; but contains live enzymes. As we age, we lose our enzymes and become sluggish. Giving your system a break from cooked and processed foods is always a great idea.

You’ll watch the whites of your eyes get clear and white, your tongue pink and your skin radiant. Hormones balance out, body weight metabolizes and your senses sharpen. All of a sudden you start thinking clearer as your moods become balanced without the dairy/sugar/gluten train you’ve been riding on.

I’m not suggesting an all raw diet forever~I’m suggesting a spring cleanse for 2 weeks.

Drink lots of water and eat when you’re hungry.  Once you retrain yourself to stop buying from the inner aisles of the grocery store, you’ll discover a huge variety of fresh, healthy, food options in the produce section.
Raw, natural foods contain the proper enzymes for digestion. Raw nuts and seeds contain the enzyme lipase, which breaks down lipids or fats.  The pancreas makes lipase; but when we’re sluggish and toxic, added strain is put on this important organ.  Eat them raw for a healthy dose of essential enzymes.
Here is my raw truffle recipe.

1 cup raw walnuts (dry)
1/2 c fresh dates pitted
1/4 c clean water
4 T raw cocoa powder

Blend everything in blender or Cuisinart
Roll into balls and then roll in cocoa powder.

Keep refrigerated. (if they last long enough for left overs!


Some great raw reads:
David Wolfe: “The Sunfood Success System”
Juliano: “Raw”
Elaina’s “Pure Joy Kitchen”
Brigitte Mars: “Rawsome”

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