Design your header here as a part of your layout. You can also download header templates from the Visual Composer Hub.

· Blog

When Women Hold Women Down.

We are raped, abused, neglected, victimized, discriminated against and passed over for promotions, and yet… the most painful wound women still have bleeding isn’t caused by men, this particularly painful festering wound is caused by something far more surprising –  the brutality of women holding women down. It seems now trendy to hail to the call of women rising…

Tamara Star

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· Blog

The Blackness of Despair

There are dark days when I feel everything so deeply that I wonder if emotions have ambushed my brain and bypassed any rationality left in my body. I don’t understand what’s happening in the world and feel fear, sadness, even a deep blackness of despair. Sadness comes over me like a heavy weight of grief…

Tamara Star

· Blog

Ego Candy.

Psst! Come here little one, I’ve got some candy for you.TEST Don’t worry, it’s free and I can get you as much as you’d like. What?  You don’t want to take candy from a stranger?  I’m no stranger, I’m your mirror.   Come closer, have a taste, you’ll like it, I promise. What’s it called?…

Tamara Star

· Blog

When Self Help Becomes Useless

If I read (or write), one more 10 steps to, 5 signs that, or 3 traits of (fill in the blank) sort of self-help, my patience will pop. The self-help industry is built upon perceived mass weakness and the illusion that we’re broken pieces of human parts needing to be fixed. That’s the first lie. None of us are…

Tamara Star


Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.