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Tag Archives: Self-help

Self-Help Makes Me Vomit

When Self Help Becomes Useless

Self-discovery, on the other hand, requires silence and reflection, honesty and courage. It’s grabbing a bright light and magnifying glass while reaching in and grabbing that infected splinter with tweezers. It hurts, it’s bloody, but it’s permanently effective. No self-help guru can peel back the wrapper of the Band-Aid for you.

6 Signs You Need a ManCation

6 Signs You Need a Man Break

Vacations and ManCations change our perspective, but most of us are afraid to take them. Why?  Because we might miss out on something while we’re away. Psychologists agree: Taking a break from life’s routine is as important as a good night’s sleep.  Having time to reflect and reevaluate allows us to return to life refreshed […]

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