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Hey Honey…

Bzzz! Bzzzz!

Bees may seem to be an annoyance at times, but their gift of honey is truly one of nature’s sweetest offerings.
If you haven’t heard about the perils of our honey bees, please take the time to Google it.
I use honey for a variety of uses. Since it’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and a humectant which means it’s moisturizing; I wash my face with it every day.
You’ll be surprised at how easy it rinses off. I like to take a small jar, fill it 3/4 of the way with RAW honey and add either finely ground flax seed, finely ground almonds, or oats to make a scrub.
Honey is also a wonderful salve for burns, cold sores, acne, cuts and scrapes.
Cleopatra used to praise the honey pat technique for glowing skin. Simply smear honey on your face and tap your fingers for a few minutes all over your skin. The honey will stick to your fingers and gently pull your skin away from your face. This increases blood flow, which in turn stimulates collagen production. After you’ve tapped for a while, leave it on for a few more minutes before rinsing off. It’s a wonderful exfoliant too.
Raw unfiltered honey contains live enzymes that assist your body to regenerate itself.
One type of honey called Manuka from New Zealand is used in hospitals for serious skin problems such as infections, wound healing and burns.
Honey is truly a gift! Please do whatever you can to support your local honey bee and don’t forget to buy RAW unfiltered honey. Heated honey is no better than sugar water. It’s no longer alive.
Let’s help our honey bees and also enjoy the healing properties of their honey!

Image Courtesy of  M_Bartosh at

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