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Health Benefits of Mint and 2 Bonus ideas.


Since it’s summer our gardens are exploding, let’s explore the benefits of mint and I’ll share 2 easy ways to get mint into your diet.

*Mint has long been recognized for it’s ability to ease an upset stomach; but did you know that it also soothes the digestive track and eases irritable bowel syndrome?

*Amazingly, it even slows the growth of bacteria and fungus.

*Mint is thought to be an anti cancer ally since it contains a phyto nutrient called perillyl alcohol which has shown to inhibit skin, lung and colon cancer.

*Mint oil will stop a headache in it’s tracks.  Try applying behind your ears, to the back of your neck, and your temples.

Mint leaves stuffed into a pitcher of fresh ice water and served at your table, smells and tastes wonderful, not to mention~ it looks gorgeous.

I recently had a wonderful smoothie in Mexico with 3 ingredients. Ice cold cantaloupe, a handful of fresh mint and a splash of water to make the blender turn over.. YUM! Refreshing and healthy. An unexpected combo!

Here’s 2 of my favorite tips to surprise the ones you love.
Dip fresh, clean and air dried mint leaves in melted chocolate. Serve along ice cream, cookies or fresh fruit.

Drop a mint leaf in each ice cube mold and fill with water.  Freeze.  Yummy and impressive.

photo credit: kev-shine via photopin cc

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