Sleepy Time.

Having trouble sleeping at night?

Here are a few fun tips:

  • Put a pillow on your stomach while laying on your back. There is something magical about the weight of a pillow on top of your stomach, you entire nervous system will relax.
  • Gently press your left nostril closed and breath through your right nostril. This is calming because you’re accessing the right hemisphere of the brain which is relaxing. You can do this laying on your right side too if you’re a side sleeper.
  • Avoid both your computer and your cell phone 90 minutes before bedtime. It’s been proven these devices are stimulating to the brain and activate your brain’s stress system. The first thing most of us do when we wake in the night is cruise the internet.  Much better to read a book for a while until you’re sleepy again.
  • Have a bedtime routine. Each night before bed I do the same routine:  take vitamins, wash my face, brush and floss, prepare my coffee/tea for the morning, neti pot and hang up the clothes I wore that day. Your brain loves routine and will start to relax knowing that it’s your bedtime routine.  It literally kicks into low gear recognizing what’s next.
  • Avoid TV in the bedroom. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the electromagnetics as well as the light, sound and stimulation are the worst possible combination you can do for your night’s sleep. On a side note, it’s not the greatest thing for your love life either.
  • Make tea:  Chamomile, Valerian, Catnip, and California Poppy teas are all extremely relaxing.
  • Turn the heat down, crack a window and keep your room on the chilly side. Needing to stay warm under the weight of the blankets often ensures a sound night’s sleep.
  • Explore herbal supplements.  Studies have shown that a few weeks of 5HTP will build up the Serotonin in your brain and help you not only sleep better but feel more positive.  I’m not a doctor but I take one 100 mg before bed.
  • If you are feeling stressed or can’t stop thinking, write down what’s on your mind or what you think you need to take care of tomorrow. The simple act of writing something down lets your thinking mind relax and be assured that nothing will be forgotten in the morning.

Hopefully, reading this has put you in a sleepy state, but then again, I hope you’re not reading this 90 minutes before bed!


Image Courtesy of Arvind Balaraman from