Your television may tell you that spending more money and taking lavish vacations are the pathways to happiness, but creating an extraordinary life through ordinary moments, even the mundane, is the true route to happiness.
If you doubt that happiness is easy to find without spending money, first realizing that it’s your natural state, is a step in the right direction.
Ever spend some time watching children? They are pleasure-seeking, in the moment, happiness machines.
So what happens to the rest of us 30 years later?
Somewhere between our younger years and adulthood, we get lost in responsibility and actually forgo happiness as an important component of living. We buy into the belief that pleasure is to be saved for after 5pm, on weekends, and once a year on a 2 week vacation.
To be authentically healthy, we need to find the balance between juggling adult responsibilities, and enjoying simple happy pleasures.
Balance consists of doing all those adult things we’re supposed to be doing, yet having some fun in the process. We must remember happiness and joy are a choice. Dishes? Laundry? Commute to work? With a little creativity, all of it can be pleasurable.
For me, I’m more than happy to stick dirty clothes in the washer, toss them in the dryer and witness their clean, bright, soft transformation….only to then, let them sit in the laundry basket for 2 weeks until they wrinkle beyond recognition. I hate to fold laundry. I loath it. So I sneak a little fun in. I put on a motivational CD, light some incense, dump the basket on my bedroom floor before bedtime, and sit there folding and putting everything in its rightly place one by one as I absorb some interesting information I’d never take the time to listen to during my day. The joy I end up feeling as I go to bed with every piece of laundry in its proper place always surprises me. The task I hate most, actually makes me happy when I do it in this ritualistic way.
Sound silly? What other choice do we have? Adult responsibilities aren’t going away, so why not inject them with some free fun while we’re at it? Creativity allows us to find more joy in life.
Lighting a candle while making dinner so a warm glow shines on the chopping board makes preparing meals beautiful. Waking up to a favorite song programed into an alarm or smelling coffee brewing in an automatic coffee maker can make even early mornings palatable.
Get my point? We have to make happiness happen in the seemingly mundane routine of adult life.
Happiness is a muscle that once formed and exercised, becomes habit. When we become a pleasure seeking person creating joy in the ordinary~ our life becomes extraordinary.
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Thank you for this. I am going through my second (!) divorce right now and about to celebrate my 35th birthday. So much loss but I try to make time for happiness and quiet reflection. Yesterday I had some time to take a walk by the river…it was unseasonably warm and overcast…I noticed how the water and the sky were the same color and was comforted by that somehow. As I walked more I saw seagulls (flying rats in my book) but I was nearly brought to tears as they took flight when I approached…I wanted to fly like them…but I know that I CAN fly, at least in my heart, if I remember to take care of myself first and find happiness in the little things.
Hi Amanda, than you for your comment. I’m so sorry you’re going through a difficult time. It’s amazing how nature can bring us “home” to ourselves again. I’m glad you found the river. big hug to you.
[…] article was originally published on Daily Transformations and is being reprinted here with permission from the […]