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Tag Archives: Love

RIP Romance.

Here’s where it’s not.  It’s not in a text, it’s not in a dating app, it’s not even in a late night hook up. Romance lies in effort.  The effort to reach out, to extend, to make a grand gesture that is actually found in the smallest of acts, and it’s premeditated. Romance requires premeditated effort. 

6 Signs You Need a ManCation

6 Signs You Need a Man Break

Vacations and ManCations change our perspective, but most of us are afraid to take them. Why?  Because we might miss out on something while we’re away. Psychologists agree: Taking a break from life’s routine is as important as a good night’s sleep.  Having time to reflect and reevaluate allows us to return to life refreshed […]

A Surprising Mantra for Inner Peace: I Don’t Care.

I don’t care? Stay with me here… This isn’t about giving up on caring for others, the planet, or what really matters, it’s about something entirely different. We don’t have to dig deep to hear of the unfolding of the feminine inside all of us. Feminine as in balanced feminine, not femme fatale weak and helpless. For me? I got […]

Family Dynamics Got you Down? Holiday Survival 101.

The holidays are upon us and if we’re not careful, so is burnout. Foods we don’t usually eat, later nights than usual, holiday expectations, family dynamics and the financial stress of gift buying can send even the strongest person right over the edge.  It’s no surprise so many of us start the new year feeling exhausted […]

8 Simple ways happy couples stay happy

8 Simple Ways Happy Couples Stay Happy.

Love is obviously a hot and tricky topic, and while we can all agree good love takes time and effort, love seems to fall apart quickly when the ball is dropped and laziness creeps in.
Here are eight things happy couples do to keep this from happening:

Change One Thing, Change Everything.

When we experience the freedom that arrives and the burst of energy that returns, we no longer question the effect every area of our life has on all aspects of our happiness. We are not divided beings. We’re whole and we’re all connected.

Why it Takes Balls to Be Happy.

You say you want happiness. We all do. But the truth is, you’re scared shitless of it. Completely bat shit crazy of having it because lo and behold if you get it, if you experience it and get used to experiencing it, you just might lose it. Here’s a little 411 for you: so am I, and so is everyone.

There Must Be… 50 Ways to Leave Your Stress.

I don’t need to tell you that stress is a killer, but I do need to share with you that like happiness, stress is a choice. How we respond to any situation in life is dictated by our habits and our beliefs. Here are 50 ways to leave your stress, and while none involve getting […]

4 Ways to Move On After a Break Up

When people reminded me that time heals all wounds and this too shall pass after my break up, I wanted to kick them in the teeth. If you’re experiencing the I-can’t-get-out-of-bed heartache or the I’ll-never-feel-like-me-again heart break, you know what I’m talking about. At this point, if it’s truly over, you’re going to need to […]

Can Divorcing a Family Member be an Act of Unconditional Love?

  Is it healthy to love unconditionally?  Compassion for yourself and unconditional love go hand in hand. — All spiritual teachers have pointed to unconditional love as the path to freedom; yet too often we mix up unconditional love with abusive love. Compassion for yourself and unconditional love go hand in hand. In its healthiest […]

Top Feng Shui Bedroom Tips.

Feng Shui for attracting love. The most important corner of your home and any room is the relationship corner.
When we enhance the positive of our homes and limit the negative, this energy can flow unrestrained in harmonious ways. Health, money and love come easier and our homes suddenly feel like the refuge from the world they were meant to be.

Think Women are Crazy?

This post is the other side of the coin, and no I’m not going to shame anyone. I vote for peace between the sexes by honoring our differences. I can’t possibly speak for all women but I can tell you, most of us are tired of being labeled.

When Life Blows Up on Every Level.

When Life Blows Up. 15 years ago, mine did, and I survived. I make it a rule to never take advice from someone who hasn’t been there, so I’ll share with you what happened, and then I’ll share how I got through my own personal tunnel of hell. In a 30-day period I lost it […]

Should We Treat The People We Love Like Dogs?

In a society that seems to have given up on long term relationships, we’ve lost our desire to make things last. Most of us consider our current love to be Mr or Mrs right Now versus Mr or Mrs right, and dispose of the relationship in the first sign of irritation. Patience has been groomed […]

What Women Want.

Let me say there’s absolutely no way I would trade places with our men. We may get the short end of the aging stick, but our men definitely have it far harder these days when it comes to dating.  Show up masculine and strong, and we wish you were more emotional and vulnerable.  Show up […]

How to Feel Connection

Polite conversation, (let’s admit) is boring. We spend our days going about our business, waving at neighbors, interacting with co-workers and chatting at parties; yet we  still feel disconnected and lonely. There’s a woman in my neighborhood I’ve never really connected with conversationally, although I’m very social, I can be shy at times and find […]


We’ve reached a point in this world when things seem to be spinning out of control. Mother nature has a mind of her own and the media convinces us daily that our world is in ruin. Standing in the middle, as things around us drop away, or finding ourselves in the place of no longer […]

The #1 Way to Seduce a Woman

You think we want presents?  No my friend.  We want your Presence. I was once on a date with someone who gave me 100% of his attention while I was talking. It was so shocking that I stopped mid sentence, lost my train of thought, became flustered and started giggling like a nervous girl. He […]

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