I’m told happiness is a choice.
Unfortunately we complicate our lives to the point of being unable to recognize happiness when it appears before our eyes.
So how to clear the slate? Here are 10 things you’ll need to give up in exchange for your happiness.
1. Give up caring what other people think of you.
I know it seems counter intuitive as we humans are primal pack animals that don’t want to be cast from the village; but spending time worrying what others think, is a waste of energy. You’ll never please everyone and it’s none of your business what others think of you.
2. Give up trying to please everyone.
Unless you’re living life to the beat of your own drum, your tribe won’t be able to find you. Be the best version of YOU you can be, and you’ll naturally attract in the people that are supposed to surround you.
3. Give up participating in gossip.
100% of the time, those sharing gossip with you will gossip about you. Believing gossip is like gambling everything on a horse sight unseen. It’s naive.
4. Quit worrying.
Where thoughts go, energy flows. Worry is investing time and energy in something you don’t want to have happen. Learn to let go and trust.
5. Let go of insecurity.
When we take ourselves too seriously, we think everyone else does too. There is one version of you on the planet. Be it, own it and quit worrying about it. No one really cares or watches you that closely.
6. Stop taking everything personally.
Truth is, most people are too consumed with their own life to really consider what you’re doing. As my 1st boss said so well: “the world doesn’t revolve around you. Most people’s reactions have nothing to do with you, so let it go”.
7. Give up the past.
We’ve all been hurt, we all had parents that made mistakes and we’ve all been through hell. You didn’t listen to your parents when you were younger, so why are you still listening to their voices in your head right now? Every experience in life has taught you something or made you stronger.
8. Give up spending money on what you don’t need in effort to buy happiness.
Living simply allows the space for life to flow. We complicate our lives by spending too much money and filling our home with “things”. Less is truly more.
9. Give up anger.
Anger burns a hole in the hand of the person still holding on to it. Move it out once and for all.
10. Give up control.
Control is an illusion, as we live in an out of control world. Learn to embrace the new and welcome change; otherwise you’ll grow old through your own rigidity. Learn to let go.
photo credit: JFXie via photopin cc
Tamara, love these tips! All are sooo good. Not taking things personally and not gossiping are two that have totally transformed my life, and I am so much freer because of it. One I’m focused on now is not trying to please everyone. Gotta say no, in order to say yes to what we really want. Thanks! Love, Myka
To the point, true and unsentimental – just what you want to take note of! I plan to read this every day with morning quiet time – thank you!
Tamara… very sound straight forward advice. Thanks
I NEVER get tired of reading this, Tamara. It’s a bookmark that I return to constantly. Thank you.
I love that you even stopped by to read it Sue! That makes me smile. xo
[…] mind, here's a few more strategies you could use in an effort to be happier. They come from a fantastic post I saw in the Huffington Post by Tamara Star (with a little parphrasing by myself). 10 things […]
This is a wonderful list that I think needs to be seen everyday by everyone! I hope you don’t mind, but I’d love to share this on my blog and make a graphic out of each bullet point (I will be sure to give all credit to you and your site!). Thanks for the awesome motivation to be better!
Hi Sarah, If you give credit to Tamara Star and Dailytransformations.com that’s fine by me. I’d love a copy however. Can you email it to me at [email protected]?
Thank you for reading.
[…] article was originally published on Daily Transformations and is being reprinted here with permission from the […]
[…] recently read a thought-provoking article titled “10 Things to Give up in Exchange for Happiness.” The article wasn’t written from a Christian perspective, but I think everyone, […]