Design your header here as a part of your layout. You can also download header templates from the Visual Composer Hub.
How to Ritualistically Let Go and Start Over For This New Year.
Ahh, 365 days are behind us and we’re standing on the threshold of a fresh start aren’t we? It’s human nature to want to clear the slate and start over on the new year, as we all long to leave behind what no longer works, what no longer serves us, and instead set lofty goals…
Top Feng Shui Bedroom Tips.
Feng Shui for attracting love. The most important corner of your home and any room is the relationship corner.
When we enhance the positive of our homes and limit the negative, this energy can flow unrestrained in harmonious ways. Health, money and love come easier and our homes suddenly feel like the refuge from the world they were meant to be.
Clear Your Clutter and Change Your Life.
Ah a new season! And it seems right now is the time to hit the universal reset button for new beginnings and fresh starts. If you’re not wanting to hire a coach or sign up for a life makeover, keep reading. I’m going to show you how to take charge of your own life, and get your own do over.
Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.