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4 Ways to Move On After a Break Up
When people reminded me that time heals all wounds and this too shall pass after my break up, I wanted to kick them in the teeth. If you’re experiencing the I-can’t-get-out-of-bed heartache or the I’ll-never-feel-like-me-again heart break, you know what I’m talking about. At this point, if it’s truly over, you’re going to need to…
Top Feng Shui Bedroom Tips.
Feng Shui for attracting love. The most important corner of your home and any room is the relationship corner.
When we enhance the positive of our homes and limit the negative, this energy can flow unrestrained in harmonious ways. Health, money and love come easier and our homes suddenly feel like the refuge from the world they were meant to be.
Why We Keep Picking the Wrong Relationships.
You might be surprised. Often we are to blame for our own bad relationship. Here’s how to avoid it.
When Life Blows Up on Every Level.
When Life Blows Up. 15 years ago, mine did, and I survived. I make it a rule to never take advice from someone who hasn’t been there, so I’ll share with you what happened, and then I’ll share how I got through my own personal tunnel of hell. In a 30-day period I lost it…
Should We Treat The People We Love Like Dogs?
In a society that seems to have given up on long term relationships, we’ve lost our desire to make things last. Most of us consider our current love to be Mr or Mrs right Now versus Mr or Mrs right, and dispose of the relationship in the first sign of irritation. Patience has been groomed…
Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.