Design your header here as a part of your layout. You can also download header templates from the Visual Composer Hub.
The Anti-Bucket List for Women.
Maybe the second half isn’t so much about what we want to do, but what we won’t do anymore.
Why Women Friend Zone Men.
He’s attractive, kind, nice and giving, so what’s the problem? Why do we shut down sexually and put him in the friend zone?
How to Lose the Woman You Love...For Good.
Unfortunately, too many of us make a brief effort and then go on auto pilot forgetting that it takes consistent practice to master the art of love; yet when we do make the effort, we create a masterpiece that never grows boring to look at . . .
Think Women are Crazy?
This post is the other side of the coin, and no I’m not going to shame anyone. I vote for peace between the sexes by honoring our differences. I can’t possibly speak for all women but I can tell you, most of us are tired of being labeled.
Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.