Design your header here as a part of your layout. You can also download header templates from the Visual Composer Hub.
How to Cope When the World Seems to Be Falling Apart.
It doesn’t take a negative personality to wonder about the state of our world.Mass killings, natural disasters, war, political upheavals and closer to home—divorce rates, illness and financial devastation shake upeven the most balanced individual.The constant headlines of murders and job loss, wars and global warming, natural disasters and economic crisis only intensify the feeling of being…
A Surprising Mantra for Inner Peace: I Don't Care.
I don’t care? Stay with me here… This isn’t about giving up on caring for others, the planet, or what really matters, it’s about something entirely different. We don’t have to dig deep to hear of the unfolding of the feminine inside all of us. Feminine as in balanced feminine, not femme fatale weak and helpless. For me? I got…
When Ordinary Life Became Extraordinary.
I realized that after times of stress we become conditioned to look for what’s wrong instead of what’s right, and if we don’t stop ourselves, this pattern of thinking becomes habit and sadly, this habit becomes our life.
Headline News Got You Down? Here's How to Cope Without Burying Your Head in the Sand.
How to help when disasters strike. The answer may surprise you.
Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.