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How to Cope When the World Seems to Be Falling Apart.
It doesn’t take a negative personality to wonder about the state of our world.Mass killings, natural disasters, war, political upheavals and closer to home—divorce rates, illness and financial devastation shake upeven the most balanced individual.The constant headlines of murders and job loss, wars and global warming, natural disasters and economic crisis only intensify the feeling of being…
Surprisingly Simple Self-Care Strategies.
Work, clean, workout, kids, career, groceries, spouses, bills, friends, commitments, and repeat.
Whether we’re married or single, working or in school, there just doesn’t seem to be much time for self-care anymore . . .
Family Dynamics Got you Down? Holiday Survival 101.
The holidays are upon us and if we’re not careful, so is burnout. Foods we don’t usually eat, later nights than usual, holiday expectations, family dynamics and the financial stress of gift buying can send even the strongest person right over the edge. It’s no surprise so many of us start the new year feeling exhausted…
10 Ways to Stay Well this Winter~plus a bonus tip.
Well, it’s undeniable that winter is looming. Days are growing shorter and the dark nights have grown longer.
Here are 10 ways to stay well this winter.
Headline News Got You Down? Here's How to Cope Without Burying Your Head in the Sand.
How to help when disasters strike. The answer may surprise you.
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