Design your header here as a part of your layout. You can also download header templates from the Visual Composer Hub.

· Blog

Maintaining Joy While the World Hurts. Why it's Necessary.

After posting a heartfelt giddy rant of joy on my Facebook page, shame slowly crept in and I found myself getting out of bed hours later to delete it. My gratitude birthed after a long-awaited move to open space sprawling along the mountains where bald eagles circle and coyotes run wild. As my heart filled…

Tamara Star

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· Blog

Family Dynamics Got you Down? Holiday Survival 101.

The holidays are upon us and if we’re not careful, so is burnout. Foods we don’t usually eat, later nights than usual, holiday expectations, family dynamics and the financial stress of gift buying can send even the strongest person right over the edge.  It’s no surprise so many of us start the new year feeling exhausted…

Tamara Star

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Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.