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RIP Romance.
Today, lazy lovers argue that romance is dead, a mere fake ploy to seduce and an act that holds no weight in the world of love. My head hurts from shaking it no. Thinking like this is simply a poor excuse to drop the ball. My earliest memory of romance was my grandfather reaching his farm…
6 Signs You Need a Man Break
Vacations and ManCations change our perspective, but most of us are afraid to take them. Why? Because we might miss out on something while we’re away. Psychologists agree: Taking a break from life’s routine is as important as a good night’s sleep. Having time to reflect and reevaluate allows us to return to life…
Why Women Friend Zone Men.
He’s attractive, kind, nice and giving, so what’s the problem? Why do we shut down sexually and put him in the friend zone?
8 Ways We Drain the Juice Out of Love.
There are a zillion books on love — obviously a hot and tricky topic– and while I agree that good love takes time and effort, I also know that love falls apart because we drop the ball in 8 common ways.
How to be Emotionally Intimate (with your man)
I hear women question openly: What’s wrong with men? Why can’t they shoot straight? Why can’t they communicate?
Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.