Beauty Benefits of Buttermilk that Don’t Require Drinking it!
Cleopatra was known for her milk and honey baths and from what history reports, she was one beautiful babe.
Cleopatra was known for her milk and honey baths and from what history reports, she was one beautiful babe.
Want to know my favorite way to help clients save money? Consider this, have you ever looked at your online banking statement and been shocked at the large amount debited out for all of those seemingly tiny purchases made over a mere week? I’m talking about those little $4 coffees, $1.50 parking meters and seemingly […]
Reflect back on the last time you witnessed unfamiliar children interacting with one another, they march right up and fearlessly say hello don’t they? Most young children under the age of eight when faced with meeting other kids for the first time, approach in a expectant way of joining the fun. They don’t stand there wondering: […]
The Mayan calendar ends this Friday October 28th 2011. My take on this? It’s the end of the illusion. We are waking up to the fact that everything “outside of us” is the illusion. So what is real? We are love, we are source, we are one. We are not our money, not our […]
Raw cold- pressed coconut oil has many health benefits. This oil contains no cholesterol and actually lowers cholesterol levels . When you give your body good fat, it has no reason to hold on to the “bad” fat. Coconut oil also stimulates thyroid function and contains pregnenolone; a powerful antioxidant. Because it restores thyroid function, […]
~This could also be titled: Why we pick the wrong partners, because truly this goes for both sexes~ Yes, we are truly at fault because we pick them ourselves. Rather than victims, we’ve been volunteers. My 20’s and 30’s were spent dating wonderful men that I remain friends with to this day, yet my 40’s […]
It was during a black out one late June evening when clarity flashed brightly through my mind. The power went out in my small foothill filled city of Boulder Colorado a few years ago and the subsequent silence was deafening. Although we had no radio or TV on at the time, […]
When my Daily Transformations clients ask me how to make the changes in their lives they’ve been wanting to make, I tell them one of their first key action steps is to actually step out and walk daily. Sounds simple, but believe me, this is one important piece of advice when it comes to making over […]
Since it’s summer our gardens are exploding, let’s explore the benefits of mint and I’ll share 2 easy ways to get mint into your diet. *Mint has long been recognized for it’s ability to ease an upset stomach; but did you know that it also soothes the digestive track and eases irritable bowel syndrome? *Amazingly, […]
Ever have a hard time with someone you work with or must deal with on a regular basis? Sure, you may have justifiable reasons to struggle; but at the end of the day this stress hurts your health and upsets your well being. My favorite trick? Imagine them as a perfect new born baby. This […]
Feeling triggered, angry, upset or anxious? Track where in your body you feel sensation. Then look left and right 20 times. Track it again and repeat until the sensation and emotion subside. This activates your parasympathetic nervous system and will reduce your emotional response immediately. xo ~photo by
She stood over me spraying her yoga mat from shoulder height with tea tree oil. Not only was she inadvertently spraying it all over my mat; but also all over my shoulders and hair. While I do enjoy using tea tree oil for cleaning and love the smell for it’s antiseptic qualities; I definitely do […]
Feeling a bit overheated this summer? Collect a few flat river rocks and put them in your freezer. Once they’re cold, slip them under your feet, behind your back or on your stomach. They’re not biting cold and wet like an ice pack, and not only do they do the trick, but last a long […]
We vent to one another that the world has gotten too fast and too busy. We complain that the “good old days” when life was slower and we were more connected are gone. Yoga teaches us to be here now in this moment, yet most people I know wish for a past when life seemed […]
The faster life moves, the further away we get from our senses…. and our senses are what gives our life that Za Za zoom! We use our vision, our hearing and our taste buds daily, but when was the last time you really relished in your sense of smell? Take a moment today and sniff […]
Having trouble with reoccurring illness or candida? Often times the underlying cause is heavy metals. Cilantro has been proven to be a natural and effective detoxifier. How to eat it? Well, if Nettles pesto tastes good, so will cilantro pesto. Only use organic cilantro as it’s so effective in pulling out heavy metals, it will […]
Get yourself some Mala beads, sit quietly and close your eyes. Put one bead between your fingers and say something you’re grateful for and then move another bead between your fingers and repeat. After 108 gratitudes, you’ll feel estatic and your day will unfold in sweet alignment with your joy. xo
Why is it so many American cities are trying to drive color and anything out of the ordinary, right out of town? It’s as though we’re all being bleached to basic beige and the home owner’s association approved shade of tan. We go on vacations and fondly remember the food, views, colors, local clothing, architecture […]
Why spend the extra money for Sea Salt vs. good old fashioned table salt? It’s well worth it and here’s why: Sea salt comes from natural sea water that is evaporated. It’s from the sea. Regular salt is mined from land surface minerals and then refined. Sea salt contains natural minerals such as iron, iodine, […]
I know you’re thinking: she’s really gone off the deep end now hasn’t she? Yet if you love pesto, you’ll love this recipe. Those annoying stinging nettles have fantastic health properties and once you realize how mineral rich they are, you may consider trying my recipe. Nettles have been studied for their effects on prostate […]
Via Elephant Journal 1. Because most of the time we’re being critical of our own bodies in front of the mirror, it’s a relief when you turn us away from them. 2. We’re so grateful for the peace that finally comes to us after Savasana, please don’t advertise your studio announcements or your class offerings […]
I believe our generation has become adept at gorilla warfare cloaked in lululemon bag cliche’s. I recently had a negative interaction with someone in my community. Although I hoped to communicate face to face, this person chose email. What bothered me most about this interaction was not so much the biting emails or our disagreement, […]
Plant a garlic clove next to your roses and gift your soil with sulfur as well as other minerals and enzymes that roses love. Garlic acts as an insect repellent and protects against black spots. Any member of the allium family such as chives, leeks, onions or shallots will do the trick. Now if only […]
Did you know that planting Marigolds in your garden makes your vegetables flourish? The strongly scented foliage and flowers repel insects and the secretions from their roots inhibit weeds and parasitic worms called nematodes that destroy crops. xo
// It’s a vibrant sign of spring when violets begin to blanket the countryside with their wonderful purple color and scent. I’m always feeling extra creative when my yard starts to show signs of purple. Did you know that these violet beauties have been used as edibles since Roman times and are rich in medicinal […]
Via The Food Craving Chart By Colleen Huber, NMD “When Your Body Craves Certain Foods, It Actually Is Looking For Nutrients” – Colleen Huber If you crave this… What you really need is… And here are healthy foods that have it: Chocolate Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits Sweets Chromium Broccoli, grapes, cheese, […]
I built my first raised bed garden this weekend and was a bit sheepish to realize I hadn’t accounted for the amount of soil I was going to have to buy to fill the space! Opps~forgot that detail. I was thrilled to learn that by adding a few layers of hay like a giant pan […]
I managed to fool two carnivore males and one amazing food blogger and chef Laura Levy on Friday night with my all raw strawberry crepe recipe. No sugar, dairy or wheat in this recipe. Make it for your children or even eat it for breakfast. It’s rich in nutrients, protein and enzymes. Strawberry Crepes: Crepe […]
If you’re like me, summer time weather is looming and you’ve realized it’s time to shrug off that sluggish digestion resulting from a heavy winter diet. This is a wonderful spring time cleansing recipe. Rich in enzymes this raw combo is filling and satisfying! Ginger and garlic are wonderful liver detoxers, grade B maple syrup […]
Trauma is a funny thing. We go into automatic “dealing mode” until we’re through it; but our brain and body don’t really clear it until we’ve taken action and done specific trauma release work.
We’re all familiar with the saying: forgiveness will set you free, yet I wonder if you forgive the one that hurt you, can you also forget? If we’re able to forgive but unable to forget, is it really authentic? Can we truly forget the significantly painful events in our lives? For myself, I have an […]
Well, you can if you eat all raw for a while. Recipe below! I’ve decided to do a spring cleanse and will be posting ideas and recipes in the coming days. For an entire month eating all raw foods is a super easy way to cleanse. Since I was lucky enough to once help test […]
Here’s a wonderful way to help facilitate your springtime cleanse with seaweed and kale. From Wikipedia: Hijiki is a traditional food and has been a part of a balanced diet in Japan for centuries. Hijiki is known to be rich in dietary fibre and essential minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium. According to Japanese […]
Back to more spring cleaning! Squeezing lemon juice in water in the morning, acts as a tonic to the liver and stimulates it’s bile making abilities to help digest the day’s food. Lemon also alkalizes your body which is what you want to fight infection and keep you healthy. Contrary to popular belief, lemons are […]
It’s springtime and an excellent time to start to cleanse the body of the stuck energy and extra weight we all seem to accumulate thru the winter months. Arugula is a tasty and effective way to help your liver release and flush out toxins as well as mineral rich to keep your energy rising along […]
Tight Chests and Breasts? Take a breath & notice what moves. Is it just your chest? Does your belly expand? If you’re like many, you are breathing from the top of your lungs. Shallow breathing activates the flight/fight response point found near your collar bones. This leads to more stress. Find a moment today & […]
Sit at the computer most of the day? It’s important to stretch your wrists and prevent repetitive motion injuries such as carpel tunnel syndrome. On your coffee break, rest room break or while waiting for a page to load, do some stretches. Here are my favorites: * Face your palm up on one hand, pull […]
Did you know that your quad muscles are the largest fat burning muscles in your body? Make the most of your 2 minute electric toothbrush time and do a wallsquat. You’ll feel the burn and you’ll be adding 4 minutes (or 6 if you’re a 3x a day brusher) to strength training.
Via Yahoo News/Brett Michael Dykes One of the most closely guarded trade secrets in the history of commerce may be a secret no more: the radio show “This American Life” thinks it has found the exact recipe for the world’s most popular soft drink in a 1979 newspaper article. According to the show’s host, Ira […]
To the wonderful men out there, just for the next 24 hours, when a woman is talking to you, stop what you’re doing, put down your phone, text, email and focus 100% on her face and what she’s saying. Chances are she will stop for a moment out of shock! This is what women crave […]
Why I gave up facebook and got a life.
via elephant journal Well, if you did it, you probably really did it. All you can do now is repair the damage. Hangovers happen when your liver is overloaded and can’t keep up with removing toxins and chemicals. Alcohol = Toxins + chemicals Hangovers = alcohol + overburdened liver – water I can’t help you […]
This is from fellow blogger Leonard Chu. I absolutely love it! Great message. xo You Decide Whether To Feel Fear or To Experience Excitement The mind is a wonderful thing. It is through the conscious mind that the same experience for one person may be gut-wrenchingly fearsome, and for another, an absolutely exhilarating thrill. Physiologically-speaking, […]
This is water for your thirst… Wild Geese by Mary Oliver You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, […]
Cut 1/2 an inch off the ends of your veggies or herbs and stick in a glass filled with water and place inside your refrigerator. Once inside, the cool temperature combines with the water and keeps veggies firm; even re-livens limp ones. This is a great way to keep kale, asparagus, herbs, celery, […]
This is my dog. I found her in an alley chained up and being abused down in the Bahama’s 4 years ago. Look at her face. Can you see the trust in that face? Can you see her innocence and the pure love coming out of those eyes? Regardless of her early hard times; she […]
There is a voice inside me stirring, getting louder, and I’m unable to edit anymore. Do you hear it too? That place inside your heart that wants to speak up and say; that’s bullshit, I don’t believe you, or on the flip side; I think you’re amazing. Perhaps that voice is inquiring; I’m feeling nervous are […]
Home Depot is leaning more and more towards the green side of things and I’m one of a few bloggers that was chosen to write my experience with a few of their products. I hope you’ll support them and send the message that green is the way to go! It seems in light of our […]
I’ve been watching the birds leave Colorado now that fall’s in full force. Winter winds are approaching and they’re high tailing it south for the winter. Just last Spring they arrived it seemed overnight; hungry and tired from their long journeys. As of late, I’ve been filling my feeders and bird baths, and I’ve been […]
So, you may not have time to take off to the mountains, forest or beach for a long mt. bike ride during the week, but there are many ways you can sneak in some exercise without a lot of time! One of the easiest ways to move during your work day is to walk. Remember […]
I’ve been wasting a lot of energy these last few days wondering about a situation that involves someone in my life. I’ve gone back and forth in my head night after night, day after day playing two opposite scenarios back and forth! I’ve even begun to stress a bit playing out the less desirable […]
A large bag of nails Wisdom teaching: There was a little boy with large anger issues. He rampaged about his life angry at the world, believing it meant him harm. His father observing this gave his son a bag of large nails and told him that every time he felt anger he should hammer a […]
Have you tried to plan a party lately? You send the e-vites, wait for the RSVPs to come in a hopefully timely manner, and then buy your food and drink according to those guest numbers. ( Imagine the sound of a needle being pulled across a vinyl record here)…..Nope! Not anymore. Guest often fail to […]
Whether you’re gluten intolerant, have a wheat allergy, or are just trying to cut out wheat, here is a wonderful chocolate chip cookie recipe that’s made with almond flour! Personally, I believe the problem with wheat is this: it sits in silos for months going rancid! Mouse droppings, mold and rancidity are surely toxic to […]
As fall surrounds us and winter approaches, it’s time to think ahead and store a little herbal medicine in your pantry. This tea protects with the naturally antiseptic properties of thyme, ginger and throat soothing sage. Sage is quite miraculous when it comes to soothing a sore throat and stopping a cough. I make this […]
I’ve been talking about the benefits of whole foods with many of my clients and the topic of juicing seems to be a hot one lately. This is an incredible article. Seems beet juice is the secret weapon of performance athletes! From the Huffington Post by Maria Cheng AP British middle distance runner Colin McCourt […]
There is no place called “Away.” It doesn’t exist. Throw something away and it ends up in a landfill or floating around the ocean. I recently read there is a giant mass of floating garbage twice the size of Texas in the Ocean. Think about that for a moment. It’s huge. 10 million miles of […]
How nice to know that I have your attention now! I recently rented the movie Sex in the City part 2 with a good friend. The movie wasn’t just about fashion and fabulous shoes, it was about the power of friendship, love, and truth. There was of course sexy themes and jokes, bantering amongst women, […]
As fall hits the Rocky Mountains in Colorado where I live, my thoughts turn to cooking again. On Saturday I went apple picking with some friends and while our intent was to press cider, I snatched up a few apples to cook with over the next few days. Seems I got a bit over my […]
Good night sweet summer. thank you for the gifts you gave us and thank you for the warm sunshine on our shoulders. Hello dear autumn, thank you for the harvest of blessings we have in our lives and please help us to prepare our hearts and bodies for the upcoming dark months. P.S. Unless of […]
Tea tree oil is my catch all, go to oil of choice for so many reasons. I never leave home without a bottle in my purse or car, and wouldn’t dream of traveling abroad sans my tea tree oil. My favorite brand is Desert Essence Please remember to buy from a reputable source that is […]
While we all love our mothers and fathers, I thought this was spot on! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR MOTHER unless she is who you want to be. You do not have to be your mother’s mother, or your mother’s mother’s mother, or even your grandmother’s mother on your father’s side. You may […]
There is a teaching in yoga called “Satya”which translates as commitment to truth. There is another teaching called “Asteya” that translates into non-stealing. Stealing is subtle. In the past I’ve considered stealing to be taking something from someone that I hadn’t paid for, and like you; I wouldn’t dream of doing something so silly as […]
Did you know that most ancient cultures viewed spices as valuable medicine? At one time, black pepper was worth more than gold! Some rumors claim that Christopher Columbus was actually in search of pepper when he braved the cold ocean waters in search of the New World. While traveling in Indonesia years ago, I was […]
If you listen to the news these days, you’ll see reporters almost gleefully reporting tragedies nightly. Often times the news is erroneous and almost all of the time, it’s negative. Even other venues would like us to believe that the world has turned into a terrible mess. Listen to evangelicals and they will tell you […]
I once knew a nutritionist who had a McDonald’s burger and fries sitting on her book shelf for 5 years. That was 2 years ago. It never broke down in the normal way food decomposes. To this day it looks just the same as it did 2 years ago. I wonder what that means […]
99% of who we’ve become by the time we’re 35 years old sits in the subconscious part of our brain and controls all of our actions. This is why making real change can be so hard! Science has shown that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. Yet to make a permanent […]
I missed Saturday night’s donation yoga class for a family that’s still awaiting their daughter’s return from a solo trip in Nepal last spring. Aubrey Sacco’s family ran out of funds to continue their search, and our small but mighty community came together to raise more. I missed this particular class due to a twisted […]
At a Native American gathering in Arizona for the 1999 summer solstice, a Hopi elder said: “There is a river flowing now, very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart […]
A few months ago at a local coffee shop, I met a man with black painted nails, multiple piercings in his nose; odd scars on his legs, and a vocabulary that let me know he was highly intelligent. I really didn’t want to converse with him as I had pre-judged him as some sort of […]
I’ve struggled all summer trying to grill luscious salmon and other fragile fish without messy sticking on the hot grate of my grill. I’ve tried oiling the grate and using expensive cedar planks, one very cost effective, one not; neither desirable. I won’t use aluminum since studies have found high levels in the brains of […]
I spent the evening last night with a group of women gathered around wine, appetizers, and good conversation. 6 out of 7 of us had recently ended our relationships. The 7th one was in serious consideration of following suit. Once the early chit chat was over, I asked one woman, “how much of the time […]
A week ago I found a large lump on my thyroid. Someone had pointed out a swelling on my neck a few weeks prior; but because I couldn’t see it myself, I ignored their observation. Last week during a facial, I was handed a mirror as my esthetician pointed out the now obvious lump. Time […]
TIME, Time, time, time, time……………. Where does it go? I looked at my dog bella this weekend and realized that at age 4, she may very well be at her halfway point in life. I’ve loved her as much as I could possibly love and yet I’ve wasted a lot of time and moments […]
Peeking in from the outside. There is an adobe house for sale that I’ve looked at from the outside (for 19 years) in my neighborhood. An adobe happens to be my long time dream to own and it’s on a sweet plot of land here in Colorado. For 19 years I’ve walked by, cycled by, […]
Okay, so there’s no doubt our world today seems a bit nuts. Natural disasters, man made disasters, talk of astrological upheavals, super moons; and the looming political and financial chaos spoken of daily in our papers. The lack of personal responsibility involved in the BP Oil disaster has been publicized everywhere. Personal responsibility, or lack […]
Sometimes I get a rush of satisfaction by sticking a few coins in a parking meter that’s about to expire. I feel like I’m somehow beating the system by preventing a parking ticket from being issued, and I feel like an angel in disguise doing a favor for an unknown friend. Even waving another car […]
My heart is tangled and hurting right now as I read the comments about the picture I posted of the oil damage in our ocean. My heart is raw looking at this picture and the horrific situation in our ocean. It’s even worse reading the comments and seeing the collective pain we share over this […]
Love isn’t finding a perfect person. It’s seeing an imperfect person perfectly.” ~ Sam Keen It will be no surprise to you that recently my relationship has gone through some rocky terrain. We hit a point where our old ways just didn’t work anymore. He couldn’t find the fun, happy, easy, affectionate woman he […]
Can we? My four-year-old dog, Bella was starting to lose her hair, become lethargic and gain weight. After trying a multitude of natural remedies, I bit the bullet and put her on thyroid meds. The result was miraculous. She’s lost weight, has a shiny coat and as she runs laps around my yard with her […]
NOT me! Not MY fault! I believe the world we live in, our entire world; is a reflection of our inner world. Stay with me here for a minute or two…..there may be something you agree with or at least you’ll have great opportunity to disagree shortly….. I believe outside circumstances in our own lives, […]
I recently had a life long dream manifest itself in my kitchen. I am now the proud recipient of a new VitaMix machine. This expensive little baby will last a lifetime and can go where no blender has gone before. I wish I knew of the VitaMix back in my tiny apartment days out […]
As I sit outside with my early morning coffee reading our Wednesday morning “food section” of the paper, I realize that I used to buy and devour foodie magazines on a regular basis. I also remember avidly pulling out new recipes to try and believe or not… followed through and tried them. Throwing a dinner […]
This happens to be one of my most favorite songs. The words rock my world every single time. Here they are…. Imagine if we lived our lives like this every single day? Here is the video if you prefer, but reading her words is a powerful experience: FreedomWe build walls when we ought to be […]
Little Altars Everywhere Have you ever noticed how peaceful it feels near a stream, in a church, maybe a certain room of your home, or even on a quaint street you may wander down? There is no coincidence in my comparison to these different locations. Rocks piled randomly, yet perfectly, next to that stream. Candles […]
Got kiddos that love sugar? On the next warm summer day, consider juicing or blending something and pour into Tupperware Popsicle molds! A few ideas: watermelon tangerine juice orange juice coconut juice lime juice with agave syrup lemon juice with agave syrup pureed strawberries lavender syrup and water or make a banana smoothie […]
I was looking over some journals I had written during a very hard time in my life, and noticed that I had written pages and pages of what I was grateful for at that time. This was a time in my life when everything was stripped away. Many cultures call this the dark night of […]
We give. And give. And, well…give.The men in our lives give so much in their own way, but today, this one is about the women. (I do think men struggle as well, so if you’re male….consider reading…xo) Like many of us, I work full time and struggle to juggle my relationship, time with loved ones, […]
Watermelon. It’s been around since Egyptian times and it’s prized seeds were found in Pharaoh Tutankhaman’s tomb as far back as the second millennium BC. Watermelon made it’s way into the English dictionary as early as 1613! Every single bit of that red and green beauty is edible. 92% of watermelon consists of water. […]
Set your rear view mirror 1/2 to 1 inch higher today on your commute. You’ll have to sit up straight to see out of it, and the habit will be yours in a day or two. xo Image Courtesy of Graur Razvan Ionut from
My yoga teacher Tunde announced tonight out of the blue that “We’re all going to be okay, really!” I laughed and muttered, “can you put that in writing?”I was raised in a family that believed the next shoe may drop anytime, and you must watch out for what life has in store for you just […]
If you’re a fan of milk, or at least willing to pay a short term price for the lactose…I love love LOVE this cake! It is super moist and should be eaten with a spoon! Be sure to refrigerate your leftovers. Happy Cinco De Mayo! xo Ingredients 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking […]
I missed an appointment with a well known and busy dermatologist who’s impossible, it seems, to schedule. I considered calling the office and pretending my appointment was this week instead of last….telling myself that a little white lie won’t matter in the scheme of things. Surely people miss their appointments all the time because of […]
Summer is just around the corner, and in my head, I’m in Tuscany every time I eat outside on my deck. So, it seemed fitting to take advantage of the organic lemon sales in the stores and make limoncello!Here is what you’ll need. Stage One: 10 organic lemons 1 bottle of good quality vodka or […]
We’ve all done it… We’ve walked into a room after two people have been arguing and although they put on happy faces and assured you everything was okay, you could still feel the tension right? Maybe a friend is going through a hard time and when you enter their home, you can feel the heaviness […]
Keep em Safe! After an all too recent trip last month to the emergency vet clinic for my dog Bella, I thought it would be a good idea to share what I learned. Seems there are a bunch of things toxic to both our dogs and cats and many of them are in the kitchen […]
Coughing, sneezing and feeling terrible. We’ve all been there. It seems like there is a cloud around me that just won’t cease. My head cold happens to coincide with my house being painted. There are ladders, wood scrapings, nails, and worker garbage everywhere. My windows are completely clouded from the paint that ran down as […]
If you want to live in the desert, please don’t move to Florida. I try very hard not to live with expectations in my heart. I have hopes and desires, as well as goals and dreams; but I’m very careful to watch my own expectations. They get me in trouble and they set me up […]
Peaceful thoughts to mother Earth today. May all earthquakes cease. May all those in her path be spared of pain and suffering. Peace on Earth and inside of her as well. xo Image Courtesy of Xedos4 at
Want to clear clutter from your life forever? Use my rule of touch it once. If you pick something up off your desk, do something with it. Pay it, file it, throw it away or jot the info down somewhere appropriate, but don’t move things from place to place. So often we pick things up […]